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Hi, I'm Charlie.

You got this far, so I know you want to know more!

I grew up in Penge, a small area of London with a big heart. Fun fact, Thomas Crapper retired there in 1897... still not sure what that means for Penge. 


I was born deaf and didn't get my hearing until I was five, so effective communication is at the heart of everything i do. I've also got ADD; it's what turned me into the creative I am today.


Five years ago I left my job working in a warehouse in Croydon to find a passion, something creative... It's been one hell of a journey.


I now use my creativity to come up with concepts, strategies and visuals that focus on making positive change fun and engaging.


My time studying Fine Art at Chelsea had shown me what it felt like to provoke a reaction through creative means. I loved being able to create paintings and installations that made people feel what I wanted them to feel. I realised that through this I could create influence and I could encourage positive change.

That's why I want to work in Creative Advertising, because in the modern era I believe that should be at the heart of every campaign.

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